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We Welcome and Bless Everyone! All are welcome to attend Sunday Service in-person at 678 Enos Way, Livermore CA.

The Sunday 10:00 am service is also live on ZOOM (Click here for Zoom link) and on Facebook ( For Service recordings: Click Here for our YouTube Channel

Sunday Service May 12th 2024

“The Joy of Motherhood”


Anytime we birth or adopt anything;  be it a person, a creative project, a new friendship, a pet etc.  with the intention of nurturing it into its fullest potential, the responsibility can be heavy. Fun, on the other hand, can seem frivolous, especially if it's not "educational." What did you learn about fun from your mother/caregiver? This Sunday we bless our mothers/caregivers in the Divine Joy that is their true nature. We also bless ourselves in Absolute Joy in all the ways that we mother and nurture the people, animals, gardens, creative projects that fill up our days. It's a beautiful day to come together and celebrate the Joy of Motherhood, whatever that looks like in your life. 

We have new musical inspiration this Sunday, the fabulous Karen Smith!! 


May 19th - Rev. Melissa and Rev. Z Guest Speakers - Who Ya Gonna Call?

The Enneagram Experience - Saturday May 18th with Melissa and Z
Weekly Meditation/Yoga Class

In Infinite Love and Light,

Our Featured Musician

Karen Smith


Karen A. Smith is a vocalist, sound healer, dancer and lifelong student of sacred chant, music and dance from around the world. She shares healing music and movement from a wide variety of genres in a wide variety of settings including several Bay Area Centers for Spiritual Living.  Her repertoire includes but is not limited to Hawaiian oli, mele and hula, Afro-Cuban and Afro-Brazilian Yoruba chants and folkloric music and dance (and a little percussion), Sanskrit mantras, Haitian sacred and folkloric songs, R & B as well as inspirational music. She also conducts song circles, sacred sound and movement workshops. "Music has always been a powerful tool for healing, for empowerment, for expressing emotion, for culture keeping, for building relationships and community, for celebrating the mundane and significant events in our lives.

Music Schedule

5/12/24 Karen Smith

5/19/24 Melissa Phillippe and Reverend Z

5/26/24 Jack Quigley 

6/2/24 Joanie Davis & Dave Gamble

6/9/24 Michelle Castellanos 

6/16/24 Jack Quigley

6/23/24 Suzanne Baldwin 

6/30/24 Jack Quigley 

Volunteer Opportunities


There are so many facets to creating our online presence!
If you are interested in learning the basics please let us know.
Looking for participants to help in these areas:

Zoom, MailChimp, Facebook, YouTube, Events

There are just a handful of people making all this happen, so we really need the support. The goal is to free us up to create an online presence across all social media platforms to grow our Church. I know I really want to see that happen and have fun doing it! 

Please contact

Home Groups!!!: What an incredible way to receive support, inspiration and connection. Give yourself the gift of being in a loving environment that is 100% for you. If you're interested, please sign-up on Sunday morning or:   Register Here

Meditation Mornings: Currently Tuesday and Thursday mornings meditations in full swing… please join others in a 40-minute silent meditation at 6:30 a.m. on Zoom.
Click here to join. All are welcome!